I called Shick tonight and we had a great conversation. I love talking with that girl! She brightens my day and makes me feel homesick all at the same time.
Allow me to introduce you to The Shickster:
This picture right here sums up her entire personality.
You see, long story short Shick was my 3rd roommate my freshman year of college. (#1 was a drunk but #2 was a great friend who will be on here shortly!) Shick was randomly assigned to be my roommate. I was on Christmas break when she moved into our dorm, but when I came back to school I quickly discovered that my room had been taken over by pigs. Shick loves pigs. She and I did not think that we were going to get along, let alone become great friends. You see, she was a Yankee, I a Southerner. She loved pigs, I loved anything with pink feathers and glitter. I am not even sure when it was that we officially bonded, but somehow we did.
Shick was my college roommate from that point on. Normally we lived with a few other girls but she and I always shared an actual room. We had amazing times together.
Here are some of those fantastic memories:
1. Shick and I threw each other a surprise party on the same day. (with help from friends of course)
2. We had some great times putting on ridiculous outfits from our famed dress up box. Often a special performance of Shick singing Celine Dion's All By Myself followed.
3. Our final test prep. with techno dance breaks every 15 minutes.
4. The house rule that whenever one hears the song Tootsie Roll, one must stop whatever they are doing and dance until the song is over.
5. Christmas Decorating in 401, Towers 210, and The Crystal Palace (aka 324 1/2 N. L St.) Don't forget the LBJ.
6. The great Bachelorette/Lingerie Party she and my friends threw for me. We stayed up till like 6am just talking on the beach. It was such a blast.
7. Taking naps together on the futon
8. Watching and reciting P.S. I Love You while crying our eyes out
9. Sometimes we would have crazy roommate moments in which we would say the exact same thing. One time we even got dressed at completely different times without seeing each other and were both wearing the exact same outfit. (Hey, sometimes we bought double so the other one could enjoy a good deal too!)
10. I loved the time Shick, Meg, and I stayed up literally till like 7am because Meg was moving the next morning. We stayed up all night talking, crying, and laughing mostly.
11. I really enjoyed the time we picked Meg up at the airport after her grandfather passed away. We dressed up like insane people with neon colored windsuits and wigs complete with 1983 glasses. We got a really ugly response from Mr. Businessman in the elevator. It was great.
12. I love that you are named Sarah Beth and I am named Mary Beth. Fate???
13. I love the time we went to Muvico and ate chicken fingers from common ground.
Shick, I miss you so much. You are truly like a sister to me. I never knew I wanted a friend like you, but God knew I NEEDED a friend like you. You have taught me so much. You have taught me to always love others, even if you don't agree with them. You taught me what it means to be "green". You taught me to love pigs even. I have had amazing memories with you and can't wait to make even more. I think your outward beauty is only surpassed by the beauty of your soul. I am so proud of you. Thank you for always being there for me. I cherish our friendship. I love you and look forward to a time soon when we can reunite!
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