Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 1: Drew Darr

Okay, I can't help but list Drew as the first person I am thankful for on my blog. He is my husband and my best friend, and he encouraged me to write about him. LOL. If you know Drew, you can only imagine. 

Here is why I am thankful for Drew and his influence in my life:

1. He is the nicest guy I know.
2. He is handsome.
3. He always knows how to make me laugh.
4. He is my support and my rock. 
5. He always makes me Mickey Mouse pancakes when I am sad. I love that.
6. He spoils me and takes me to Disney World even when I annoy him and act like a 3 year old.
7. He writes me poetry and sweet letters.
8. He makes me want to be a better person. Seriously, when I am with him I feel compelled to be so much better than I would be on my own.
9. He has a beautiful relationship with God and a faith that I strive to emulate.
10. He is brilliant.
11. He takes care of me.

There are a million things I could list about why I am thankful for my wonderful husband. 

To sum it up: 

Drew, you are the most honorable person I know. I respect you, cherish you, and love you. I have so much fun with you. Thank you for loving me back. I look forward to each moment of the rest of our lives together. 

All my love,

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